Dr. Nadja Sigrist
Dr. med.vet., FVH (small animals), Dipl. ACVECC & ECVECC
Affoltern am Albis, Switzerland
- Specialist Small Animal Medicine since 2003 (FVH für Kleintiere seit 2003)
- Diplomate American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (ACVECC) since 2004
- EBVS® Specialist in Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (ECVECC) since 2014
- Senior lecturer, set up emergency and critical care service Small Animal Clinic Vetsuisse Faculty University of Bern 2005-2010
- Senior lecturer and head of ICU, set up of the critical care unit of the Small Animal Clinic Vetsuisse Faculty of Zurich 2013-2020
- Head of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Continuing Education (VET ECC CE) since 2009
- New since 2021: Head of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Consulting & Education
- Editor of „Notfallmedizin für Hund und Katze“, Enke Verlag 2017 and „Erstversorgung von Traumapatienten“ Schlütersche 2011