Dr. Nicholas Ilchyshyn

 Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
Nic graduated from Bristol in 2007 and moved to Sri Lanka to work at the veterinary school in Perideniya. In 2008, he returned to the UK to work in mixed practice in North Wales. In 2015, Nic commenced a residency in Veterinary Clinical Pathology at Dick White Diagnostics. He gained fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists in 2018, and his European Diploma in Veterinary Clinical Pathology in 2019. Nic continues to work at Dick White Diagnostics, and his professional interests include the diagnosis of lymphoproliferative disease and flow cytometry.

All Webinars

Past Webinars

Cavitary Effusions Cytology:
Sample Collection, Pathophysiology and Analysis (1)
Cytology for General Practitioners Webinar Series
Cavitary Effusions Cytology: Sample Collection, Pathophysiology and Analysis (2)
Cytology for General Practitioners Webinar Series
Urinalysis: Preparation and Examination of Urine Sediment and Urine Cytology
Cytology for General Practitioners Webinar Series