'Party Girl’, 4-yr, female Persian cat with skin lesions

'Party Girl’, 4-yr, female Persian cat with skin lesions not neutered, presented with a 1-month duration of skin lesions.
Dr. White will guide you through asking the correct questions to the cat’s owners and making the right decisions on which tests to run first.
  • Study Time / CPD

    15 min
  • Access Duration

    3 days
    • Language

    • Subtitles

      in preparation
    You will have access to the case study for a total duration of 3 days.

    A few more words about this case

    Follow this case to see how Dr. Stephen White, board certified specialist in Veterinary Dermatology and Professor of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California Davis, cares for ‘Party Girl’, a 4-year-old, not neutered, female Persian cat. ‘Party Girl’ presents with a 1-month duration of skin lesions. Watch the whole video to have Dr. White guide you through asking the correct questions to the cat’s owners and making the right decisions on which tests to run first. Asking the right questions and conducting the correct tests are critical steps to helping you reach the correct diagnosis and treatment for ‘Party Girl’. An example of conducting cytology of surface cytology under crusts and pus is exemplified in detail.

    You will learn:

    • Ask the correct questions to the Cat's Owner
    • Conducting the correct tests
    • Conducting Cytology of Cytology of Surface Cytology under Crusts and Pus
    Meet the Instructor

    Prof. Dr. Stephen White

    Dipl. ACVD, BA, DVM
    UC Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine, USA
    Dr. White became a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Dermatology in 1983. A graduate of the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California at Davis, he also did his internship and dermatology residency. He has held faculty positions at Tufts’ School of Veterinary Medicine and Colorado State’s College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences before joining the School of Veterinary Medicine at UC Davis as a full Professor in 1998. Dr. White has twice been a sabbatical professor at the National School of Veterinary Medicine in Nantes, France. His areas of interests include food allergy, cutaneous manifestations of systemic disease, rabbit/rodent dermatology, and equine dermatology. Dr. White has published over 100 scientific papers in refereed journals.

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